Yen-Kuang Chen


CEO / Coalition for the Global Alliances for Taiwan Technology and Diplomacy

Dr. Yen-Kuang Chen is the CEO of the Coalition for the Global Alliance for Taiwan Technology and Diplomacy (GATTD). He received his Bachelor's degree from National Taiwan University. He earned his Ph.D. from Princeton University. Dr. Chen is interested in fostering and strengthening technological cooperation between Taiwan and the United States, with a focus on enhancing Taiwan's capabilities to safeguard its democratic values and freedoms. He, as a member of the North America Taiwanese Engineering & Science Association (NATEA), has been actively involved in organizing significant events, such as the US-Taiwan High-tech Forum (UTHF) in 2004 and the NATEA/IEEE-organized New Frontiers in Computing Technology (NFIC) in 2005 and 2007. From 2011 to 2015, he co-directed a large-scale collaboration between Intel and National Taiwan University, marking the first international industry-university research program in Taiwan, co-funded by Intel, the Taiwanese government, and NTU. Technically, Dr. Chen holds more than 100 U.S. patents and has authored over 100 technical publications. He is recognized as an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to algorithm-architecture co-design for multimedia signal processing.

陳彥光博士是全球台灣科技及外交聯盟協進會的首席執行長。他在國立臺灣大學獲得學士學位,在普林斯頓大學獲得博士學位。 陳博士致力於加強台灣與美國之間的技術合作,以提升台灣捍衛其民主和自由的能力。他是北美台灣工程協會(NATEA)的會員,並曾組織2004年的台美高科技論壇(UTHF)以及2005年和2007年的NATEA/IEEE前瞻計算技術論壇(NFIC)。從2011年到2015年,他共同領導了英特爾與國立臺灣大學之間的大規模合作,這是一項由英特爾、台灣政府和台灣大學共同資助的國際產學研究專案。 陳博士擁有100多項美國專利及100多篇技術文章。因其在多媒體信號處理的算法-架構協同設計方面的貢獻,他被選為IEEE院士。