Victor Shen


Director / Google

Victor Shen is the Director of Web, Distribution & Privacy Partners Ecosystems at Google. His specialty covers cloud computing, mobile computing, wireless networking and business start-up. His career started as an IBM Staff Software Engineer at China Development Lab, architecting new technologies and solutions of China's telecommunications industry. Before joining Google, Victor was the Co-founder and CTO at Ubitus Inc., a software company focused on cloud-enabled rich media services and gaming by cloud-computing. He is also active in the entrepreneurial community and counseling entrepreneurial teams, by sitting on the Board of National Chiao-Tung University Spring Foundation of NCTU as a Director, and founding the Taiwan Leap Venture.

沈上謙 (Victor) 先生目前為於Google山景城總部負責帶領Google gTech全球的Web平台, Distribution以及Privacy Partners 技術顧問團隊。熱衷參與創業社群和輔導創業團隊,深信台灣有想法有能力的年輕人可以再次地創造不同的台灣奇蹟,透過擔任財團法人交大思源基金會董事以及成立台灣飛躍天使創投等協助新創。 Victor 畢業於國立交通大學資訊科學研究所。在加入Google之前,Victor 擔任Ubitus科技的共同創辦人兼技術長,Ubitus 是一家專注將雲端運算(cloud computing) 應用在影音多媒體以及繪圖的軟體公司,於2009年獲選為NVIDIA五大最佳科技價值企業獎,並獲得日本NTT集團、韓國三星電子以及中國移動等企業的訂單及投資。在創辦Ubitus之前,Victor 為IBM大中華軟體研發中心的高級軟體工程師,替IBM進行中國的電信產業新技術以及解決方案的規劃與導入。