TradingValley focuses on providing simple, user-friendly investment services to general investors, with its core offerings being the GROWIN Stock Mining service and WinwinGPT AI investment assistant. GROWIN uses AI and machine learning to analyze both U.S. and Taiwan stock markets, helping investors make informed decisions. WinwinGPT, powered by the latest generative AI technology and a comprehensive data database, accurately answers all the stock investment related inquiries. TradingValley is actively expanding into overseas markets, integrating more market data, and aiming to become an international investment service platform.

TradingValley 專注於提供簡單易用的投資理財服務給一般投資人,TradingValley的Growin個股探勘服務和 WinwinGPT AI投資助手。GROWIN 利用人工智慧和機器學習技術,分析並篩選美股和台股,幫助投資者做出更明智的決策。WinwinGPT 則透過最新的生成式AI技術以及完整的數據資料庫,精準回答投資人對股票投資所有問題。TradingValley 正積極拓展海外市場,並導入更多市場資訊源,成為國際性的投資服務平台。

