TWMMSV was founded by a married Taiwanese software engineer in Silicon Valley in 2021. He has many friends in Silicon Valley and across the world who are trying to find their Mr./Ms. Right on various dating apps. However it’s very hard to find a Taiwanese date, and they are suffering from it . After watching the reality show: “Indian Matchmaker” on Netflix, he was inspired to start a matchmaker side project to help his friends and other Taiwanese singles!

矽谷月老是由一名在矽谷的已婚軟體工程師Ken在 2021 年所創立的。Ken平時交友廣闊,在世界各地都有朋友。身處矽谷的他,身旁更是不少單身的朋友。在看了網飛的《印度媒婆》幫助全世界的印度人找對象後受到啟發。決定要幫助在約會軟體上苦苦找不到台灣人對象的單身朋友們,另闢蹊徑,找到幸福!

Taiwanese Matchmaker in Silicon Valley
