Terry Yang


Sr. Director / Fortinet, Inc.

After finishing my military duty in 2006, I jumped straight into the networking industry, bouncing between startups and publicly traded companies. In 2012, my company shipped me off to the U.S. for some "advanced training." I thought I’d be back in three years with a shiny new set of skills and a "mission accomplished" sticker, but it turned into a 12-year adventure. These days, I’m in the cybersecurity industry, acting as human glue coordinating the product development and launching. The story is still going on….

2006年登出國軍online 後就投身網通產業,從新創公司一路摸爬滾到上市公司。2012年被公司派來美國深造,原先以為只會待個三年學個經驗就可以「學成歸國」,沒想到這一待就待了12年!目前在資安產業擔任組織潤滑劑,協助所有的產品專案開發。