TACCNC - Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce-Northern California


Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce - Northern California is a professional social organization founded in 1988 and is one of the chapters of the Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce - North America (TCCNA). Our organization is connected to 34 other North America chapters with over 3,500 business members in North America. In addition, we are connected to the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce (WTCC), with a network of 68 countries, in 179 regions, with over 30,000 members worldwide. The purpose of TACCNC as stated by our founding committee are as follows: Promote the development and assist in the growth of member business immigrants. Improve the status and image of members in the United States.

北加州台灣工商會(TACCNC)多年來扮演者台灣商界在北加州的一個交通平台。在三十餘位熱心會友努力一下 ”北加州台灣工商會” 終於在1988年4月14日成立。 會員中包括各種商業,科技,進出口業,製造業,會計,律師,零售批發業,財經等行業的專業人士。 多年來商會大力推動各項媒合交流的會議,講座,會員聯誼活動,及每年定期舉辦工商研習營等訓練課程,邀請著名商業領導人才分享最新商業咨詢, 進而開創了許多的商機。 北加州台灣工商會 TACCNC.org 為北美洲台商聯合總會 TCCNA.org 及 世界台灣商會聯合總會 WTCC.org 的地方分會。 透過北美及世界台商平台及各地的人脈,提供所屬會員一個繁榮經濟的紐帶。從各類型活動中增進友誼和商業交流,促進在北加州灣區台商的商業發展和團結地方台商的力量更進而建立了台灣與美國的商機橋梁為台灣的經濟繁榮盡一份力量。