Sophia Chiang


VP / Rising Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

Sophia, co-founder of Rising Management Consulting, has 10+ years of experience in executive talent recruitment. She has worked with 400+ clients, including Fortune 500 companies and top enterprises in Taiwan. Specializing in industries like semiconductors, Al, healthcare, fintech, and more, Sophia offers quality staffing solutions across Asia and has offices in Silicon Valley, Shanghai, and Singapore.

蔣宗芸 瑞星管顧共同創辦人。高階人才招聘市場深耕十餘年,服務客戶超過400家,一半以上是世界500強、台灣50大企業,包含半導體、IC設計、AI等領域,以及醫療生技、金融科技與服務等,並提供長短期派遣人力服務,質量與規模均名列前茅。版圖橫跨半個亞洲,於美國矽谷、中國上海、新加坡均設有辦事處。