Owens Huang


Partner, Portfolio Manager / Dalton Investments

Owens Huang is a Partner and Portfolio Manager at Dalton Investments, a hedge fund overseeing over $4 billion in assets. As a Portfolio Manager, he leads the Dalton Pacific Rim fund and the Dalton Asia Pacific Series B fund, with a particular focus on the technology sector. Outside of finance, Huang is widely recognized as the musician OHNomad. He draws inspiration from the dynamic realms of finance and global events, propelling the momentum of his creative music compositions.

黃鐘醇是Dalton Investments的合夥人兼投資基金經理人,該公司管理著超過40億美元的資產。作為基金經理人,他負責管理環太平洋基金和亞太系列B基金,研究領域主要集中在科技行業。除了投資領域,黃鐘醇也是一名作曲家,並以筆名OHNomad發行他的音樂創作。他的音樂靈感大多來自於他對金融和全球事件的觀察。