Culture Center of TECO in San Francisco (Milpitas)


In 1987, Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C (Taiwan) established the Culture Center. The Culture Center has provided information on Taiwanese Culture Education, Consultation for New Immigrants, Assistance for Trading and Doing Business with Taiwan, Library Service, and Facility Rental. Fully equipped, fully functional, and conveniently located, the Center is highly appraised by the community members it serves. Over the years, the Center has become a key bonding factor between Taiwan and its overseas compatriots.

僑務委員會(OCAC)於 1987 年設立金山灣區僑教中心,提供海外僑 胞服務,中心場地多元,設備齊全,提供僑胞文化教育、新移民諮 詢、僑商經貿輔導,以及僑團活動場地、中文圖書借閱、傳統民俗 服裝及各項民俗器材借用等多元化服務,多年來已成為各地僑社的 重要據點,也成為宣揚臺灣文化的核心。