This corporation is a nonprofit mutual benefit corporation organized under the California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law. The general purposes of this corporation are to provide its members with reunion and social activities for pleasure, recreation and other similar non-political purposes; and to engage in any other lawful activities permitted under the California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law. Specifically, this corporation honors the spirit of our school motto, “Qing Ai Jing Cheng” and : 1. Promotes camaraderie and friendship among alumni, relatives and friends, via various channels and events. 2. Ensures and strengthens communication between the alumni and our alma mater 3. Contributes toward the development of our alma mater. 4. Defends the rights and benefits of our members.
“北加州國立政治大學校友會”69年前在舊金山成立. 創會會長王天循及後繼會長們,以奉獻回饋的胸懷來耕耘這園地. 會員囊括四代校友,人才濟濟,凝聚力強,在社團林立的金山灣區,建立起口碑,校友以它為家,以它為榮.
與中華民國命脈息息相關的母校,經歷遷徙流離的艱辛,至今仍能在台屹立茁壯,誠屬不易. 我們校友對母校的感情有份珍惜,有份驕傲,有份感激. 校友會除了主辦年會,新年慶典,敬老餐會等師長校友之聯誼,主辦全球校友嘉年華會,也積極參與贊助社區活動,推廣國民外交, 已卓然成為深受崇敬的指標性社團.
校友會是加州登記非營利法人,組織嚴謹,除了理事會,下設活動小組,如登山社,展卷社,職場咨詢,合唱團,舞蹈社,直接造福校友及社區,傳承 “親愛精誠“ 校訓的精神.