MetAI's vision is to achieve Real-to-Sim and Sim-to-Real by leveraging digital twins, synthetic data, and generative models to accelerate smart manufacturing transformation. From building comprehensive virtual factories as AI training grounds to optimizing production lines through simulation and generating synthetic data for AI model training, our goal is to implement the best solutions through simulation.
宇見智能 MetAI 的願景是實現 Real-to-Sim 和 Sim-to-Real,透過數位孿生、合成資料與生成式模型,加速智慧製造轉型。從建立完整虛擬工廠作為AI訓練場域提升效益,到模擬完整產線找到最佳配置、再到針對產品產生合成資料訓練AI模型,目標都是透過模擬來落地最佳方案,縮短驗證時間,降低人力成本。