Lily Li


Product Manager / Meta

Lily graduated from National Taiwan University with a degree in Electrical Engineering and earned a MBA degree from the Wharton School. She is currently the Product Lead for the Gen AI Data Labeling Platform at Meta. Previously, she served as a Product Director and Product Leader at AI/ML startups backed by Sequoia and Two Sigma, and held global product management roles at Microsoft, Amazon, and Expedia. Lily has long been focused on the fields of cloud data and AI/ ML, striving to integrate AI technologies into various products to enhance global efficiency. In addition to her primary role, Lily also serves as a product advisor to startups and mentors emerging product leaders.

Lily 畢業於台灣大學電機工程系,並取得華頓商學院的碩士學位。現任 Meta Gen AI 的資料標籤平台產品負責人。此前,她曾在 Sequoia 和 Two Sigma 投資的 AI/ML 新創企業擔任產品總監,也曾在微軟、亞馬遜和 Expedia 擔任全球產品負責人。Lily 長期專注於雲端數據與人工智慧領域,致力於將 AI 技術整合到各類產品中,以提升世界的運作效率。除了本職工作外,Lily 也擔任新創企業的產品顧問,並擔任新創產品主管的導師。