ex-Managing Director / Google
Dr. Lee-Feng Chien has spent a career immersed in innovative industries where he has worked to advance technology and scientific and technological talent. In 2006, he became Google’s first employee in Taiwan when he joined as Managing Director.
Since retiring from Google in 2020, he has actively supported the development of Taiwanese startups, including serving as Board Director of AI pioneers such as Appier, which went public in 2021, and iKala. He also assists the Taiwanese government on initiatives to advance the technology sector, is a mentor to numerous individual entrepreneurs and publishes articles that encourage internationalization and innovative thinking for software startups.
Dr. Chien is a leading expert in Chinese information retrieval and natural language processing technology. He is a former Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, and a co-appointed Professor of the Department of Information Management at National Taiwan University, where he earned a PhD in Computer Science in 1991.
簡立峰博士長期專注於創新產業的發展和科技人才的培育,曾帶領 Google 台灣成為擁有數千名員工的 Google 最大研發中心之一。簡立峰博士於 2006 年加入Google,是 Google 台灣創始員工並擔任董事總經理。2020 年從 Google 退休後,仍然持續協助台灣新創發展,包括擔任 Appier、iKala 等 AI 新創公司的董事,其中 Appier 是台灣第一隻獨角獸,更於 2021 年在東京正式上市。簡立峰博士同時擔任許多創業家導師,並持續發表文章鼓勵新創國際化與創新思維。
簡博士同時也是中文資訊檢索與自然語言處理科技專家。 他曾任中央研究院資訊科學研究所研究員與兼任副所長,台大資管系合聘教授。簡博士於 1991 年畢業於台大資工所博士班。