Kyle Chen


Chief Community Builder / Business Next Media

Joined Business Next Media Corp. as a marketing and event coordinator in 2011. Started to work as the community manager of Meet, the biggest startup community in Taiwan, also a platform for startup founders to find opportunities of investment, startup resources, and a global network. Discovered more than 500 startup companies via one-by-one interviews.

Started to join the curation team of Meet Taipei Startup Festival, the first and biggest startup festival from local to global since 2014. In the 3 days event in 2022, there have been 450 booths (including 70 foreign startups),  130 different programs on 5 stages, 100+ speakers and investors, 1,800+ sets of investor/startup match making, and over 70,000 visitors in total.

2011 年加入巨思文化,2014 年起開始負責創業小聚社群,透過線下活動籌辦以及線上媒體經營,打造一個聚合台灣新創所需資金、資源與國際鏈結的機會平台,至今已藉由一對一採訪接觸超過 500 組團隊。

重度網路成癮,樂於擁抱創新帶來的可能,並樂見新科技在跨領域可能創造的機會與新商業。2014 年起協助籌辦 Meet Taipei 創新創業嘉年華,為台灣第一個多元化、跨領域、並且跨國交流的大型創業活動品牌,2022 年創下 3 天、5 大舞台、130 場以上舞台節目與超過 450 組參展企業/新創參展記錄,其中包括 70 組國際新創。並且邀請超過 100 位海內外企業代表與投資人擔任演講人或者評審,共促成 1,800 組次以上的投資人/新創媒合,總參觀人數超過 70,000 人。