At Earth Cycle, we are committed to reducing plastic waste by offering eco-friendly, innovative products that make sustainability easy and stylish. Proudly born and crafted in Taiwan, we focus on quality and sustainability in every product. Our flagship product, the Earth Cycle Boba Tumbler, is made from Biomass-based Ecozen material, designed to replace single-use plastics while enhancing your daily rituals. We aim to reduce the plastic produced by boba shops and provide the solution to create a sustainable choice for boba drinkers. We are dedicated to showcasing the excellence of Taiwanese craftsmanship, with each product embodying the innovative spirit and quality of Taiwan's manufacturing tradition. As we expand our efforts to bring more Made in Taiwan eco-products to the USA, we aim to make a positive impact on the environment, one sustainable choice at a time.

EARTH CYCLE 致力於透過提供環保且創新的產品來減少塑料浪費,讓永續變得簡單時尚。 我們的商品於台灣在地製造生產,專注於每個產品的品質和永續性。 而主力產品 BOBA TUMBLER,採用環保Biomass-based的Ecozen材料製成,目的在替代在珍珠奶茶店被大量使用的一次性塑料杯,同時提升日常生活的便利性。 我們的目標是減少珍珠奶茶店產生的塑料,並為珍珠奶茶愛好者提供永續環保的選擇。 我們致力於展現台灣製造的卓越,每件產品都體現了台灣製造的創新精神與高品質。 EARTH CYCLE努力將更多台灣製造的環保產品帶到美國,通過每一個永續環保的選擇,對環境產生正面積極的影響力。

Earth Cycle