Colette Wu

Chief of staff - global serviceStrategy
/ Applied Materials

Colette is a strategic leader with over 15 years of global business management expertise. Currently she serves at Global semiconductor Equipment leader Applied Materials directing global service product operation strategy, supplier strategic development, market expansion, and executive-level communications. Previously, she accelerated SaaS growth and serving at SAP President office and unlocked multi-billion-dollar opportunities at CooperVision to support M&A activities at EVP office. Colette holds an MBA degree from Santa Clara University and completed PM executive education at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.

擁有15年以上豐富的全球商業經驗,涵蓋商業策略、跨部門專案管理和全球營運分析等多個領域。目前在Applied Materials 負責全球供應商管理合作策略, 半導體設備服務市場開發整合方案, 投資及高階主管外部策略溝通計畫,並推動關鍵業績指標的發展和執行。曾任職在SAP負責數位轉型及全球營運擴張專案,並成功提高了SaaS業務管道。在任職於全球隱形眼鏡龍頭Cooper Vision間,更提出業界首度最完整隱形眼鏡市場分析M&A建議,為新興市場提供了價值數十億美元的收入增長機會。擁有聖塔克拉拉大學MBA學位,以及多項產業認證,並取得加州大學柏克萊分校哈斯商學院的高階經理人營運管理學程。