Claire Liu


Special Assistant to CEO / education organization

Claire has 6+ years of experience establishing business functions from scratch, including the Strategy and Operations function for an AI lab and the Investor Relations function for a listed telecom and media company. She possesses a strong background in serving as the Special Assistant to C-suite Officers in tech companies, developing excellent cross-functional skills in coordinating investor relations and M&A affairs, as well as in talent recruiting, team-building, and event management. In her role as the President of a 100-member Toastmasters Club, Claire honed her leadership skills, achieving peak membership retention. She is people-oriented and firmly believes in mutual support, which she sees as instrumental in enhancing both team dynamics and individual growth.

Claire 在為企業建立內部管理功能方面擁有超過6年的經驗,包括曾為人工智慧相關實驗室建立策略與營運單位,以及為上市電信及媒體公司建立投資人關係功能。她擁有豐富的科技公司董事長和執行長特別助理經歷,擅長協調外部與內部溝通,以及團隊凝聚、人才管理和活動設計等。 Claire 堅信人與人之間相互友善支持是提升團隊活力和個人成長的重要因素,並以此作為她的專業信條。