Chi-Yi Kuan


Head of Data Science, Nextdoor

Nextdoor’s Head of Data Science and Analytics Engineering to drive data strategies that enhance decision-making, elevate product development, and transform customer experiences, thereby delivering substantial business impact. With 20+ years of industry experience, he excels in building high-performing teams, applying big data across various domains, and providing data-driven business solutions. Kuan is the founder of Taiwan's largest data science community and advises companies on transforming data into actionable insights. He holds dual M.S. degrees from Stanford University.

目前擔任 Nextdoor 資料科學與分析工程團隊的負責人。擁有史丹佛大學統計系,工程經濟系統與作業研究雙碩士,曾任職於 LinkedIn,eBay,擁有20年商業數據分析的經驗。目前也擔任台灣資料科學協會理事長,也是台灣資料社學社群的共同創辦人,致力於為台灣資料科學人士與企業創建經濟機會,提升資料科學的競爭力,並且在臉書上成立了「Data Science Meetup 台灣資料科學社群」粉絲 37,000人,提供與資料科學相關的最新技術和實戰攻略。