Career Taiwan USA Association
The "Career Taiwan USA Association" is a non-profit organization that assists Taiwanese students studying abroad and young professionals in their job-seeking phase in the United States. Its mission is to help these individuals explore personal career development and integrate into mainstream American society. Since its establishment, the association has organized numerous events and visits, including tours of well-established Taiwanese businesses, career seminars and workshops for exchanging internship and job-seeking information for international students, entrepreneurial panel discussions, mentorship programs, and immigration law information sessions.
「臺灣青年美國職涯發展協會」(Career Taiwan USA Association) 為一非營利性的組織團體,協助來自臺灣的留學生及已在求職階段的年輕人,在美探尋發展個人職涯,融入美國主流社會。協會自成立至今已舉辦數十場活動與參訪,包括參觀發展頗具規模之主流台商企業,提供留學生的實習與求職資訊交流之職涯講座與工作坊、創業座談分享、師徒計畫、以及移民法律資訊講座等。