Berkeley Association of Taiwanese Students(BATS)


The members of the Berkeley Association of Taiwanese Students (BATS) are primarily graduate students or postdoctoral researchers from Taiwan. The organization aims to provide a service platform to help every Taiwanese person in need. We also want to create opportunities for students studying at UC Berkeley and friends working in the Bay Area to get to know each other, support one another, and successfully complete their studies or start a new life here.

柏克萊台灣同學會(Berkeley Association of Taiwanese Students)的成員主要是來自台灣的研究生或博士後研究員。我們希望提供一個服務管道,幫助每個需要幫助的台灣人,也讓無論是在 UC Berkeley 讀書的同學或是在灣區工作的朋友們,都有機會互相認識、互相幫忙,順利地完成學業或在此展開新生活。